CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Shadow Rail Doors
    In This Topic

    The ability to angle (or shape) a back edge of a door/drawer front to create a grab handle is often (but not always) used in conjunction with the use of Shadow Rails. The Shadow RailsDoors page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties defines the position and machining of these along with any interaction with Shadow Rails.


    Angle Door Backs

    Ability to separately add a V edge to the back of a door or drawer at the Top and Bottom, as well as Hinge Side and Handle Side.

    Example : V Edge

    Enabling the To Drawer Shadow Rails option enables the V for each rail in a drawer cabinet.

    Example : V Edge for each rail



    The Primary Tool is intended to be used to cut the slope on the door edges.

    The Secondary Tool is optional, use the checkbox to turn the toolpath on/off.

    Example : Primary and Secondary Toolpath

    The toolpaths on the entire door is shown below left. The top left corner is enlarged and described on the right.

      Primary Tool

    Depth : As Door Less

    The depth is calculated as the thickness of the door material minus the value entered. For example, if the Door material is 18mm thick and the value entered is 3mm, then the tooling depth will be 18mm - 3mm = 15mm.

    Offset from Edge

    The offset from the edge of the door. A positive value will offset towards the centre of the door and negative offsets it outwards.

      Secondary Tool

    The Secondary Tool is used to create an additional effect or to create a pocket into which the primary tool is plunged and fed along.

    Depth : As Door Less

    Calculated in the same way as the primary tool i.e. the depth is calculated as the thickness of the door material minus the value entered.

    Offset from Edge

    The offset from the edge of the door.

    This works in the opposite direction to the primary tool's offset i.e. a negative value will offset towards the centre of the door and a positive values offsets it outwards.

    Lead In

    The primary toolpath will be the entire width (or height) of the door. However, the secondary tool path will be extended each end of this by the Lead In distance specified.